Products from

De Petrushoeve

Ice-cream maker, Beervelde
Jasper Braeckman
Interested by Butter & cream, yogurts & soft white cheese & milk in Vlaanderen? Theses products are sold by De Petrushoeve in Assemblies.

Butter & Cream

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Yogurts & Soft white cheese

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Volle yoghurt met aardbei
Drinkyoghurt aardbei
Drinkyoghurt mango-banaan
Drinkyoghurt bosvruchten
Rauwe melk

Ice Creams & Sorbets

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Limited edition Crispy Orange
Hoeve-ijs limited edition stroopwafels
Hoeve-ijs vanille
Limited edition smurfen-ijs

Chocolate & Confectionery

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