Products from

Manufaktur Hendrik Schmidtsdorf

Jam maker, Preserves maker, Oil producer, Vinegar producer, Distiller, Hohen Neuendorf
Hendrik Schmidtsdorf
Interested by Soups and preserves, alcoholic beverages & sauces in Brandenburg? Theses products are sold by Manufaktur Hendrik Schmidtsdorf in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Hummerfond / -brühe *einmalig lecker*
Fischfond / -brühe *einmalig lecker*Fischsaucen-Basis*
Rinderfond / -brühe - 100% Rind *unvergesslich lecker*

Alcoholic beverages

Find points of sale
Rhabarber - Likör | 19% vol.
Honig-Likör - 20% vol. *Honig vom regionalen Imker*
Granatapfel-Likör - 19% vol.
*NEU* Aronia - Likör | 19% vol.
Pastasauce | Mediterran *Vegan*Glutenfrei*
Grillsauce | Chipotle-Sauce *SCHARF*handgemacht*
Grillsauce | grüner Pfeffer-Sauce *SCHARF*handgemacht*
Bechamel-Sauce *handgemacht*

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Pfirsich-Essig | 5% Säure *handgemacht*
Estragon-Essig | 5% Säure *handgemacht*
Basilikum-Balsamico-Essig *handgemacht*
Rote Zwiebel - Fruchtaufstrich *Red Onion Jam*

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

Find points of sale
Brombeer - Holunderblüte - Fruchtaufstrich
Sauerkirsch - Ingwer - Fruchtaufstrich
*NEU* rotes Johannisbeer-Gelee
Vegane Bio-Gemüsebolognese *handgemacht*