The steps involved in hosting an Assembly
1Share your motivation with us

Hosting an Assembly requires strong personal commitment. In order to make sure that your Assembly will work we first check that you have the motivation and organisational skills required for the role.
2 Find a welcoming venue

Your Assembly needs a place where everyone can meet for weekly collections. What is essential is that the venue has vehicle access nearby and makes your Members and farmers feel welcome and homely. The venue can be a public space (e.g. a town hall, library or school) or a private space (e.g. a restaurant, pub, theatre).
3Create your Assembly community

Get to know your neighbourhood by having an explore and finding out what is going on. Share the new opportunity to shop locally at your Assembly with everyone you meet! Little by little, interested Members and Producers will gather around you and your community will be born.
4Organise your weekly Assembly

Each week you will create the weekly catalogue by selecting a variety of local food products from what the Producers have on offer. Members will then order online and on the day of the collection come to pick up their food at the chosen venue.